The 21st Century is marked by mass migration. Massive population movements of the last century have radically challenged our study and practice of “mission fields.” Where the church once rallied to go out into “the regions beyond,” Christian missions is currently required to respond and adapt to “missions around.”  In this multi-authored, inter-disciplinary volume, leading evangelical theologians, bible scholars, missiologists, and migration strategists and practitioners analyse the development of missions to the migrants and develop an understanding of the contemporary church’s opportunities and responsibility vis-à-vis Diaspora Missiology: “a missiological framework for understanding and participating in God’s redemptive mission among peoples living outside their places of origin.” Includes chapter on International Church strategy.  


About the editors:

Tira, Sadiri Joy (DMiss,Western Seminary; DMin, Reformed Theological Seminary) is the Lausanne Movement’s Senior Associate for Diasporas. Sadiri serves as Vice President for Diaspora Missions for Advancing Indigenous Missions (AIM) as well as Diaspora Missiology Specialist at the Jaffray Centre for Global Initiatives at Ambrose University and Seminary (AUS), Calgary, AB, Canada.

Yamamori, Tetsunao (PhD-Sociology of Religion, Duke University) is Senior Fellow of the Center for Religion and Civic Culture of the University of Southern California. He is also President Emeritus of Food for the Hungry International, and was International Director of the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization, 2004-2006, remaining active as its Senior Advisor. He has written and edited two-dozen books.


What others are saying:

“This compendium is a clarion call to the global church to discern the times and to participate with fresh enthusiasm and strategic planning in completing the great commission. The disciplines of applied Missiology and church growth has just received an enormous treasure that with God’s anointing will marvelously shape our efforts moving forward.” Bremwell Frentz, Vice President of Global Ministries for the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada


“The publication of Scattered and Gathered: A Global Compendium of Diaspora Missiology  is a significant milestone. The high quality of the international conversation captured in the book makes it a veritable tour de force. A great resource for students and researchers of Christian mission and world Christianity.”   Tite Tienou, Research Professor, Theology of Mission & Tite Tienou Chair of Global Theology and World Christianity and Dean Emeritus, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, Illinois

“As a wholistic missiologist and original Lausanner (active participant since 1974) I warmly welcome and highly recommend this comprehensive study on a globally relevant topic as both foundational and directional. This timely volume is a missio Dei viatorum at its best as focused on diaspora from a full-fledged biblical perspective while taking into account the migrant phenomena in their global diversity.” Peter Kuzmic, Distinguished Professor of World Mission and European Studies, Gordon-Conwell TS, USA & Founding Director of Evangelical Theological Seminary, Osijek, Croatia


The Essential Details

The Global Diaspora Network in partner with the Jaffray Centre for Global Initiatives proudly announces the latest publication by Regnum Books International, imprint of the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (Oxford, UK).

Scattered and Gathered:  A Global Compendium of Diaspora Missiology
Author: Daryll Delfin

Edited by Sadiri Joy Tira and Tetsunao Yamamori

Foreword by Chris Wright

Click on link for more details and order:

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