Reach (at least) 103 Million people this year!
We all want to obey Jesus when he tells us in Matthew 28 to make disciples of all nations. (If not then you can stop reading this and just read the Bible). But so often we get caught up in the crush and rush of everyday life to take the time to really think about how we are doing at this. (You’ll want to take the time to read this post btw, there are some helpful links at the end, and a TL:DR graphical version if you’re that kind of person.)
So, how are you doing at making disciples of all nations? Making disciples isn’t just having church gatherings with multiple passports. Making disciples isn’t simply singing songs in different languages and listening to a sermon. Making disciples involves bringing the good news of Jesus and His Kingdom to all nations.
When you think of reaching the unreached, who do you think of? Do you think of unreached people groups in far off countries? Do you think about closed countries where only the super elite intentional workers go in secret? Do you think about cultures and countries so different than your own that it would take a lifetime of language acquisition and cultural agility to be effective? Reaching the whole world with the gospel seems like it needs a lengthy and daunting strategic plan…but it is actually quite simple with two ingredients:
- God’s Sovereignty (of course!)
- The International Church
The International Church has never been positioned for such impact as right now. More people from more countries are moving all around the world searching for a good life… and the IC can share news of eternal life. IC members don’t need to go to all the countries of the world because God is bringing the unreached countries of the world to your city. Are you ready?
Your IC is a part of God’s transformative answers to migrants’ deepest questions.
God can use you to reach an unreached people group of 280+ million migrants. The beautiful part of reaching 280+ million migrants with the gospel is that God will most likely also send them back to their home countries carrying the message of Jesus and His kingdom. 280+ million missionaries sent to all nations that already have perfect language fluency and intuitively understand the culture of their home countries.
If 280+ million is too large of a number for you, then focus on 103 million forcibly displaced migrants. For some, moving internationally is an exciting journey of choice, but almost one out of three migrants haven’t had a choice. Imagine the heartache of being ripped from your family, friends, and country without anywhere to go. Forcibly displaced migrants are worried about loved ones, fearful for life, and desperate for hope. Imagine God using you and your church to reach a group of people desperate for connection, stability, hope, and healing.
Are you ready?
Ask yourself and your leadership team these four questions:
- What are the major migration corridors for our city?
You need to know from where people come to understand how to reach them. We also want our churches to be of a similar demographic makeup to our cities because all people matter to God equally. We do not want to leave any major group out of our ministry focus. Do the multiple nationalities in your church proportionally match the diversity in your city? Who is missing in the church that is in the city? (Hint, you can find out a ton of information at this website, including the major migration corridors of your country)
- Who are the major groups of displaced migrants in our city and where do they live?
The ones desperate for hope and help are many times the ones who have been forcibly displaced. Where do they live in your city? 69% of people displaced from one country flee to surrounding countries…. Is that you? The chances are high that they will be gathering together in particular neighborhoods or regions. Don’t let those who are searching for healing be satisfied with mere financial aid or rations for food…introduce them to the great physician and bread of life! (You can find out more about the disaplaced diaspora here).
- What are we already doing that can share Jesus’ message of hope and peace to the fearful and disturbed?
Your church is already doing so much, so why start something new? With limited leadership, time, and stability God will use what you are already doing. Are you passionate about feeding the hungry in Jesus’ name? That connects with forcibly displaced people. Do you have a passion for social justice, marriages, children, or teaching? All of those are needs in the displaced community. How can God use your ministries to meet the greatest needs of the displaced? If you’d like to know what the greatest needs are right now, click here.
- What can we do today, this week, this month?
Ideas like this are pretty pointless without action. What can you and your leadership team do today to reach out to one displaced migrant? Clicking the above links is a great start. Sending a whatsapp message asking your leaders to get together to talk about this is even better. Print out MICN’s map of International Churches and stick it in a prominent place to pray for all ICs around the world to reach God’s scattered children, gathering them back home.
Only with God’s sovereign power can we reach out to His scattered kids. Spiritually wayward children that have been kicked out of their home, searching for a deep sense of stability. Kids that are freefalling after war, famine, government corruption and disasters have yanked the rug out from under them. Before they hit the ground of hardship and heartache, may God use us all to point them to the hand of the Father to catch them in Christ!
Now that you have read through all of this, here is the TL:DR graphical version.
Bill Koogler
Church Strengthening Coordinator