Prayer Before Action

“Pray that the Master’s Word will simply take off and race through the country to a groundswell of response” II Thes 3:1 MSG

For years I have thought of International Church as a groundswell of response opportunity.  Many IC Pastors and Leaders are result oriented type people.  In broad terms we want action to happen.  We have been called “Type A, initiators, ‘D’ as in dominant from the DISC indicator and the definitions and descriptions go on.”  Scripture however, is directing me in new trajectories and reminding me more than ever that groundswells start in prayer.

Prayer arrests us with the reality that God is sovereignly initiating and motivating people towards himself all the time. When we start with prayer and realize that the discipline of dialogue with God is the way to begin and the best way to get going, then we have it right.  The Bible says “pray” before taking off, “pray” before running the race.  The proper order of actions will guarantee that our efforts are God guided and that we avoid disqualifying false starts.

“Take off” is an explosive description of a great start.  God is behind the proclamation of the “Master’s Word” in due season.   It is the right combination of the written word, the spoken word through chosen leaders.  The prayed up person that takes off communicates God’s message to the right people at the right time in the right place.  Taking off right is the keen sensitivity to the precise second in time that the starting gun blasts into thin air telling all the runners the race has begun.

The Master’s Word without the Master’s servant is like a race without the runner.  Both are God’s commissioned instruments to get the Message to the people.  This is God’s plan.  He uses ordinary people to carry an extraordinary Message.  This is God’s way to draw people from darkness to light and from outside to inside.  God invites us to pray towards this end.  God calls us to start with the finish line in site.  God desires a groundswell of response to happen in your city, country and around the world.  He invites you to start in prayer.

Maybe it is my age, I hope I am growing up, but more now than ever I start my day in what is now known as the prayer chair.  I sit for some time, and as best I know how, let my spirit align with a God’s Spirit.  It is not easy for this action oriented IC Pastor. God made many of us to lead, and without apology, I want to participate in a groundswell of response.  Somehow I feel like I’m just learning how this works.  How about you?

Warren Reeve
Senior Pastor of the Lighthouse Church in Kuwait
Founder of MICN 

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