International Students in ICs: Intentional Inclusion

How do you receive a precious gift? Intentionally including international students in the ministry of an international church (IC) is strategic, missional and simply a joyful response to Gods gift.
Forty-five years ago this Fall, the Lord called me (Leiton) to mobilize the church for ministry among international students. The call came when I realized that many churches did not see the tremendous mission potential for ministry among the worlds future leaders and influencers from other nations who were studying at nearby schools.  There was a blind-spot of a great Great-Commission opportunity close by.
I’m grateful for the encouragement and welcome of the MICN leadership to allow me to present workshops on Integrating International Students and Returnees with International Churches at prior MICN gatherings in Beijing, Hong Kong, and Dubai.
ICs are a natural’ environment for pro-actively welcoming international students into both the life and also ministry of the church.
ICs are richly blessed and gifted with a wide array of professionals who could have a significant ministry as mentor/coaches of foreign students studying in the same field of the professional IC member. And lets not forget the national students returning home from their study abroad who may wish to be part of an IC.
ICs are also enriched by the presence of Christian international students who are encouraged to utilize their spiritual gifts for ministry among, with and through international congregations.
The many blessings and benefits of a local church‘s engagement in ministry among international students are highlighted in a free 15 minute video that is Lesson 12 of a training series on international student ministry, entitled Starting an ISM at a Local Church, at
I (Phil) have learned so much from ministering alongside international students in an IC and in different contexts in the Asia-Pacific region. Here are six strategic outcomes from intentionally involving international students in an IC.
  1. Local missional impact for the gospel. Every Christian international student has his or her own network of relationships in their educational context, reaching far beyond what any IC staff member could access. They live and study in places others may not even be allowed to go; they rub shoulders daily with fellow students from gospel poor places. To equip international students for evangelism right where they are is one of the most strategic things an IC can do. Shall I tell you about the Brazilian student who discreetly gave some scripture to her North Korean classmate?
  2. Long-term gospel influence in their home countries. International students have a disproportionately high influence in their countries of origin, often selected for scholarships or sent by government departments. As men and women living for Jesus, they have great potential for impact. Do I have time to tell you about the Christian students from Malawi who returned to establish national education and public health policies?
  3. Pre-trained cross-culturally equipped missionaries. International students have naturally acquired cross-cultural skills and are at ease with those different to themselves. They are linguistically agile, patient and self-aware. If nurtured in an IC context these students will leave seeking to steward this experience and skill for the gospel, perhaps in a third country. Did I mention the Malaysian international student now a key player in ministering to international students back home?
  4. A rich lesson in unity and humility. Many ICs are a concentration of wealth and power with multinational executives and diplomatic corps. In some contexts, international students on scholarships struggle to buy data for their phone and cannot even visit Starbucks. Other students may have a spouse and young kids 10,000 miles away and face difficult pastoral and economic issues. What a gift for God to bring together rich and poor, black and white, singles and families in Jesus’ name!? Did you hear of the international student who fell pregnant and a family in her IC took her in for a season?
  5. Boosted vitality and creativity. International students are intelligent and creative and bring their own rich cultural perspectives, especially in corporate worship. Was it students from Ghana and DRC who wrote a powerful, memorable song at a church camp that my TCK children still sing?
If youre a leader in an IC, international students are Gods gift to you. Love them, disciple them, train them in ministry, grow them in Christ. Involve them in shaping and articulating your churchs vision, mission and strategy. Invite them into the leadership and ministry structures. Include them as co-laborers in planning and implementing outreach.
We commend international students to ICs and pray that they may be a strategic missional investment for the Kingdom of God.
Leiton Chinn and Phil Jones

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