Chances are high that you are leading in a cross-cultural, ever-changing, COVID-19 impacted, social-distancing, online ministering international church… so if you feel a bit worn or weary…you are normal. This post will cover 6 actions you can take right now to help you lead better in your church or organization.

1. Respond, Don’t React
Each of us has different triggers that launch us into reactionary panic mode, but we all would benefit from responding to our leadership challenges instead of reacting. 

  • When you are tempted to speak quickly, take a breath, and listen (listen to God first, but also actively listen to others.)
  • If you are prone to over-work and think “always doing, never done” be sure to set up healthy boundaries. Then read Isaiah 30:15-18.
  • The times that you don’t feel 100 percent like yourself, give yourself grace. Your brain is chemically different than it was before COVID-19.

“But there is so much to do and everyone needs direction!” you say…Responding doesn’t mean acting slowly or delaying the decision…so we move on to point #2.

2. Seek “real” before “right”
Maybe you are the kind of leader that wants carefully research the “right” decision. One of the best steps you can take is to pursue plain and clear communication more than the perfect action plan. Jesus is the only perfect leader, so let him lead your church.

  • With everything shifting under our feet, clarity is the new currency to build trust. You may not be able to know everything, but at least be clear in your leadership.
  • Take a risk and be wrong. Lead with what you have in front of you, and yes, you will make mistakes.
  • Reduce Ambiguity. Spend twice as much time preparing, following up, overseeing, and praying. Centralize your communication and don’t use WhatsApp, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Trello, etc. all at once.

When it comes to leading, something clear is better than nothing certain. Sure, you may have to pivot again after making a decision…which brings us to action #3.

3. Think “for now”, not forever
This point is intentionally short. We live in a world changing faster than it ever has before. Make decisions, for now, trust God with forever.

  • Focus on decisions for today. God knows about tomorrow, and He will lead you and your people through tomorrow.
  • Remember that what you do today isn’t what you will do a year from now. Churches and organizations are living and growing – which means they are ever-changing, especially the IC!
  • For now, make yourself visible as a leader more than ever. Being present is something you can do right now.

Being present also helps care for your people and your church/organization. One of the “Now” opportunities is an increased need for care…

4. Care by meeting needs
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to get this one. As you firstly care for yourself, with God’s help, you will be able to meet the increasing needs of others better.

  • Know the REAL needs of people in your church, but don’t neglect the needs of the people in your local community. Don’t offer a class on how to improve your marriage during lockdown if people in your community need food to eat. Remember Jesus in Mt. 25:35-36?
  • Care for others with no strings attached. Don’t make people sit and listen to a long sermon before you give them goods and don’t limit your ministry to “church members only.”
  • Address the deepest need: connection with God through Jesus. Look for opportunities to clearly and verbally share the gospel of Jesus with others. The only person that will satisfy their deepest need is Jesus.

As you explore new ways of caring for and leading others, you want to make the best use of your people, money, and energy. You definitely need to read point 5…

5. Decide with Data –
You may have heard the familiar phrase “Leaders are Learners” and this is true now more than ever. With all of the myriads of data at your fingertips, you’ll need to sort through the cacophony to find the real experts:

  • THE expert when it comes to guidance and direction is God. Make sure to seek input from the Holy Spirit as you lead and reach out to your community.
  • Your leadership team and key volunteers will provide valuable insight into what is going on in the church. As diverse as the IC can be, make sure the voices from your leadership team are diverse.
  • Marketplace leaders think often about how this situation impacts their sector, so ask them. Have a panel of experts that can advise on medical, financial, community, culture, and international matters.

6. Innovate, don’t deviate –
For many right now, ministry may feel awkward. We rethink new ways of carrying out God’s ancient work. As altered as humanity may seem, we are still in desperate need of the gospel.

  • Innovate and change the way you do things. Use this time as an “excuse” to innovate. Post COVID will be different, so get ready now. (for example, online ministry is here to stay)
  • The methods may change, but the mission must stay the same. Don’t deviate from living out the great commission. Don’t. Stop. Preaching. The. Gospel.
  • With the flood of online ministries, you may be tempted to compare. don’t. Just be you. Are you small and relational? Community involvement? You do you, and keep Jesus at the center.

Leading the International Church is hard, but so worth it. Don’t forget that this time is also a profound opportunity…but that’s another article and you have some great work ahead. We look forward to what God will do in and through you for His glory!

Bill Koogler

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