FORMATION: We challenge and equip international Church leaders to effectively engage with God in his global kingdom restoration movement.
Forming is the idea of flexing to fit a required shape. How do you become God’s shape to effectively engage with God in his global Kingdom restoration movement in your city, country and continent? Who and what forms you to shepherd the IC God has called you to lead?
Ponder it! Pastors and Missionaries from countries all over the world come from agencies or denominations with a predetermined shape and background. They have time tested theological and missiological educational diplomas and degrees to prepare them to shepherd locally or minister overseas.
Today is a new day. The IC movement is growing faster than anyone, or any agency can keep pace with. There are more IC’s around the world than there are Pastors to shepherd them with no educational paradigm to prepare or develop them!
This is why MICN has made FORMATION of the IC leader the top priority flowing out our passion to strengthen the IC for missional impact. When the IC leader is formed to fit the IC call, the IC will operate to its fullest potential reaching lost people, equipping disciples and commissioning devoted followers of Jesus around the world.
There are some IC leaders that shepherd in a Communist context while others pastor in varying degrees of Islamic rule. Most IC leaders in Europe lead in secular environments with the inclusion of Middle East displaced persons. Wherever you are, God has placed you there. Part of your job is to find the shape God wants you to be so that your faithfulness is maximized.
Each IC leader needs a different FORMATION than historic pastoral or missionary higher education provided. Undoubtedly there are overlapping disciplines of each traditional educational track and those disciplines must be taught and caught. Greater than available preparation is the need to comprehensively answer: How does God develop someone into an IC leader?
MICN is developing a comprehensive profile of an effective IC Pastor and an effective IC. MICN is investigating what teachable, life long learning and humility looks like in an IC. MICN is researching what cross-cultural effectiveness is when an IC leader is shepherding multiple nationalities simultaneously. This research will guide MICN to offer you better opportunities to shape you into your call and context.
We would love to learn forward together with you. Come help us shape the shape of FORMATION. Join us in Hanoi Viet Nam April 23-26, 2018. Registration is open at