Leading from the Inside, To Lead on the Outside
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia   |   May 1-4, 2017

Since MICN began holding conferences in 2004, International Church Leaders have loved the inspiration, camaraderie, warmth, peer learning, challenging speakers, very helpful workshops and just plain fun with other people who, “get us”.

Key note speakers this year will be Bill Hybels, Martin Sanders and Warren Reeve. The whole event will be in the fabulous Hotel Istana to facilitate casual visits, meeting friends and learning together in a beautiful place. Although everything we need for a great time will be right in the hotel, it is just a few minutes walk to malls, shops, restaurants and the famous Petronas Towers in downtown KL.

We are delighted to announce that St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, KL has agreed to host the 2017 MICN Conference. Under the capable leadership of Rev. Robert and Daniella Weniger and a great team of volunteers we will enjoy a wonderful time together this May. These friends are passionate about the International Church and serving it’s leaders so sign up now and join us for this great event?




The conference will be at the Evangelical Church of Bangkok.



Register today for the 2021 MICN Conference in Bangkok!



This year's conference will be held from April 26-29, 2021.



Ambassadors of Peace - how do you become one? Our Vision: We envision a world in peace, ruled by the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ our Lord in which all things will made new and put under the sovereign authority of God (1Cor. 15:24-25). Our Mission: The Peace and Reconciliation Network (PRN) is a worldwide movement of Evangelical Christians for Peace building and restoration ministries. We seek peace between people and God and peace between people in their respected communities. For us peace building is an integral part of the mission of God on Earth and reconciliation the heart of peace building. Being made new in Christ we lift up the word of reconciliation in the world as our task and commission (2 Cor. 5:17-20). We do this together with all those who understand the call of God.

Bill Koogler, Int'l Lead Team Member

Bill Koogler, Int'l Lead Team Member

Bill Koogler serves on an international staff as the Pastor of Discipleship and Training at Fellowship of the Emirates in Dubai, UAE. He serves in Dubai with his wife and 2 school-aged children and joins the MICN with a deep commitment to discipleship and effective communication in the IC movement. With a ThM in Pastoral Leadership from Dallas Theological Seminary, Bill is nearing completion of a DMin in Expository Preaching from Dallas. As Dubai becomes more diverse, Bill seeks creative ways of understanding and communicating God’s truth to train over 85 nationalities.

David Fresch

David Fresch

David serves as the senior pastor of North Sea Baptist Church in Stavanger, Norway. Though born in the USA, he moved overseas at a young age due to his father's work in the oil industry, living in the Netherlands, Norway, Oklahoma, and Texas during his childhood. He attended Houston Baptist University where he met Scottie, his wife, and they are blessed with two school-aged daughters.

David did seminary studies at both Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary as well as Fuller Theological Seminary where he completed a Masters in Global Leadership.

In addition to his full-time work for the church and serving MICN, David serves as the Director for Empowering Leaders for the International Baptist Convention. He also participates on a team of IC’s, which work together to plant international churches in northern Europe. Lastly, he is the president of Fresch Ministries International, a ministry aimed at building up leaders and indigenous ministries around the world.

North Sea Baptist Church
International Baptist Convention
Fresch Ministries International

KR Paton, Implementer

KR Paton, Implementer

KR Paton serves as MICN Implementer. He is also the Interim Pastor at All Nations Church Phuket, Thailand. KR has over five decades of experience in business and ministry. The journey in Christian ministry has involved leadership roles in local church, college/seminary, publishing and a national denominational office. Prior to joining MICN KR and his wife Darlene served on the pastoral staff of an International Church (IC) in the Middle East.

While in the Middle East they were "bitten by the IC bug" and count it a great privilege to be part of the MICN team to Strengthen the International Church Movement for Missional Impact.



GDN seeks to mobilize followers of Jesus to fulfill God’s missional purposes among the people on the move. We operate under the Lausanne Movement and embrace its philosophy of ministry: “Together we seek to bear witness to Jesus Christ and all his teachings, in every part of the world—not only geographically, but in every sphere of society and in the realm of ideas”. Our vision is to see the global Church, mission leaders, and agencies empowered and responding effectively to the missional opportunities presented by global migration and diaspora communities. Further, we envision leading seminaries and learning institutions across the globe to provide focused training in diaspora missiology that will produce future leaders who are equipped for Spirit-filled engagement in mission to, through and beyond diasporas.



The International Baptist Convention (IBC) is a fellowship of English-language churches and church plants in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and the Americas which voluntarily cooperate with each other to mobilize and multiply disciple-making churches. We envision a movement of global-minded churches that are reproducing healthy disciples, leaders, and congregations. The convention is comprised of 65 English-language churches and church plants located in 26 countries.



The China International Church Fellowship, CIF, came together as international churches across China recognized a need for mutual support. As we began to discuss together the challenges of “doing church” in China, we found insightful counsel in how best to deal with issues of government, facilities, staffing visas, and much more. Each year the CIF conference is held in a different location, with conferences being held in major cities like Chengdu, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Beijing. We are grateful to the Lord for each and every international fellowship in China, serving the global church in some of China’s neediest cities.



Global International Church Network (GICN) is a relational connection for a global network of international churches. Our intentional desire is to establish visibility, encourage vision and enhance the vitality of our churches. The idea for GICN (Global International Church Network) was birthed during a time of worship and prayer in 2011 at a retreat for the Fellowship of European International Churches (FEIC). Several members commented on friends of international churches outside of Europe who sought to have the same relational community that we enjoy in Europe. Several pastors and leaders of international churches from outside of Europe were already attending our European IC events, and others were connecting through online correspondence. The need for a global relational connection resurfaced throughout the conference. Clearly, God was speaking. Coming away from the 2011 retreat, FEIC founder Terry Hoggard felt that God was leading us to invest in creating a global network to connect international churches relationally. About this same time the Assemblies of God World Mission, was moving towards a new initiative to plant international churches around the world. The GICN vision was shared with the AGWM leadership and received with great enthusiasm.



The Fellowship of European International Churches (FEIC) is a relational network comprised of congregations that minister to the unique opportunities, needs and challenges of international communities in European cites. Our network churches are a tapestry of cultures and traditions, races and people groups, languages and nationalities united under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. FEIC is committed to: plant new churches; position existing churches for strategic development; and partner with national churches to do international ministry. As a relational network, FEIC offers: supportive relationships that provide meaningful connection; sharing of resources that are specific to international ministry; and strategic church renewal and leadership development opportunities.

Warren Reeve, Founder

Warren Reeve, Founder

Warren Reeve served as the first full-time Senior Pastor of the Bandung International Church (BIC) in Indonesia from 1998 -2009. BIC was the launching church of the Missional International Church Network that was founded in 2000. As MICN has grown, the network has welcomed more and more multi-site, multi-service churches. MICN has learned that this is a very probable method for growing IC's. It is also a very cost efficient method of practicing church growth. The multi-site and multi-service approach is a developing trend worthy of exploration, explanation and celebration! Warren served as Senior Pastor of the multi-site, multi-service Lighthouse church in Kuwait from 2010 to 2015.

Graham Chipps, Provocateur

Graham Chipps, Provocateur

Graham Chipps lived and worked in Phnom Penh Cambodia for 20 years, 13 years of which he served as pastor of an international church. From Australia, before his time in Cambodia he served in churches in Perth. Graham has been a member of the MICN leadership team since its beginnings. Now based in Australia he continues to have a passion for all facets of the Kingdom of God. His PhD topic was “The Earth’s Future: Narrative, Gospel, Mission. A Theological Projection through the Canon of the Christian Scriptures.”

Rob Tucker, MICN USA /Team Advisor

Rob Tucker, MICN USA /Team Advisor

Rob Tucker currently pastors at Starville Church, in Michigan, USA. He has served in full time missions in China (2000-2013), India (1994), and Southern Africa (1993) as well as severed as assistant pastor under his father's ministry for seven years. While in China, Rob served as Executive Pastor and Missions Pastor at Beijing International Christian Fellowship. He teaches regularly at several Bible schools and leadership conferences in North and Central America and in several Asian countries. He has had the opportunity to move back and forth from full time ministry to business over his career and has established companies in China as well as in the USA. Rob and his wife, Val, have been married for 30 years and have two adult daughters.

Ken Driedger, Executive Director

Ken Driedger, Executive Director

Living in Africa during my teens and in a Canadian Aboriginal community as a child gave my heart and ministry an unshakeable global perspective. I have just concluded serving The Lighthouse Church, an International Church in Kuwait to begin working full time with MICN (Missional International Church Network – www.micn.org as its first Executive Director. The past year I have also had the privilege of serving GCGW as the steering committee chairman. Melanie and I have three grown children and five grandchildren who all live in Canada.

Jacob Bloemberg, Communications

Jacob Bloemberg, Communications

Jacob Bloemberg has served on the leadership team of the MICN since 2005 and coordinates the conference and communications. He is Lead Pastor at the Hanoi International Fellowship (www.hif.vn) in the capital city of Vietnam. He and his wife Linda have served in Hanoi since 1997, where they have raised three children. A Dutch citizen with an American wife, they have learned to thrive in a third culture and aim to help others thrive as well. Jacob is ordained and sent by Elim Fellowship, NY. With an MA in Organizational Leadership from Regent University, Jacob is on his journey to finish the Doctorate in Transformational Leadership program with a focus on City Transformation through Bakke Graduate University. Jacob implements this missional vision with HIF through the Love Hanoi campaign. (www.lovehanoi.org)



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Join us for our MICN conferences each year at the end of April



Check out our interactive network map of international churches!


Monday, May 1

1:00 – 5:00 pm Registration
3:00 pm Pre-Conference Seminar (Free)
      with Martin Sanders
6:00 pm Banquet

Tuesday, May 2

8:30 am Praise and Prayer
9:00 am Plenary Session
      with Martin Sanders
10:00 am Response to God / MICN Vision
10:30 am Refreshments
11:00 am Workshops
12:30 pm Lunch & Ladies Event
2:00 pm Workshops
3:30 pm Refreshments
4:00 pm Free Time & Dinner
     Many great restaurants nearby!
7:00 pm Plenary Session
     with Martin Sanders

Wednesday, May 3

8:30 am Praise and Prayer
9:00 am Plenary Session
      with Martin Sanders
10:00 am Response to God / MICN Vision
10:30 am Refreshments
11:00 am Plenary Session
with Bill Hybels
12:30 pm Lunch
2:00 pm Plenary Session
Q&A with Bill Hybels
3:30 pm Refreshments
4:00 pm Plenary Session
Q&A with Bill Hybels
5:00 pm Free Time & Dinner
    Many great restaurants nearby!

Thursday, May 4

8:30 am Praise and Prayer
9:00 am Workshops
10:30 am Refreshments
11:00 am Plenary Session
with Warren Reeve
12:30 pm Closing Lunch and Commissioning
3:00 pm Optional Tours

Saturday, May 6

Free Workshop Courtesy of Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church

Maximizing Your Team for Effective Worship in the International Church