A Light in the Darkness

Today there are 193 countries that are recognized by the United Nations.  In addition, there are several other disputed areas and territories that some consider independent nations.  So, depending on how you count, there are anywhere between 190-220 countries in the world today.  Many of these nations are considered “closed access/creative access/limited access/restrictive access” countries.  These are countries where it is not possible for an expatriate missionary or Christian worker to get a visa.  These governments have intentionally closed themselves to the Gospel.

However, almost every one of these “closed” countries has an International Church – sometimes even multiple ICs.  I have visited several ICs in the MICN Africa/Middle East Region in countries where a national church is not legally allowed to meet, however the IC is permitted.  These IC’s are not secret nor underground churches and the pastors are often granted a religious visa.  This is an amazing opportunity for ICs to be the only light in these restrictive nations.  Many times there are laws restricting IC attendance to expatriates only and evangelism and proselytization are strictly banned.  But that doesn’t keep the light from shining.  In addition, the IC is often the only source of Christian fellowship available, providing an essential source of worship and fellowship for church members.  It also serves as the source of encouragement for these same church members to be bearers of that light in their neighbourhoods, schools, and workplaces.

Recent statistics show that 81% of the world’s Hindus, Muslims, and Buddhists do not personally know a Christian.  This applies in both closed access nations and countries that have complete religious freedom.  This means our church members will be the only exposure to Christ to the people around them.  God has strategically placed ICs in every corner of the globe to equip, encourage, and empower our church members to be lighthouses in every nation – even those that have closed every other door to the Gospel.

Every country is covered in some degree of darkness.  May your IC continue to be the beacon of light and hope in your nation.

John Clark

Regional Coordinator for Africa/Middle East

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