With over 90 participants representing 30 international churches and 16 organizations from 23 countries and 12 nationalities, MICN 2015 has left a lasting impact on all present. Our keynote speaker, Rwandan pastor Joseph Nyamutera, shared from his deep and personal experience from the days of genocide to the days of reconciliation. As IC pastors, it left us with the hope that, if reconciliation is possible in Rwanda, it certainly is possible in our own context.
This year, three work groups collaborated on practical projects to share their learning with you, our constituents around the world. One group wrote, designed and published a 4-page newsletter summarizing Joseph’s story and lessons learned. Please feel free to reprint and distribute this in your church. Another group worked on a suggested outline for a 6-week sermon series on reconciliation. The third group created a presentation with a proposed strategy for international churches for healthy reconciliation. You can download these resources and our conference booklet here:
With the increased attendance, the MICN team doubled up on elective sessions and tour options. From healthy marriage to global diaspora, from starting ICs to leadership development, from personal reconciliation to multi-site challenges, the electives offered much in learning and dialogue. Not all was serious and strategic: fun could be had at the zoo, the grand palace, during the river cruise, and on top of the Baiyoke Tower.
Last, but not least, the conference was a great success due to the on-the-ground support of our host church, the Evangelical Church of Bangkok (ECB). Senior Pastor David King, Executive Pastor Mark Patterson, and church staff Khun Sang, alongside many others, did a phenomenal job in all the details and arrangements. Many thanks go out to them for their generosity in time and financial support, as well as to many others who made MICN 2015 possible.
Jacob Bloemberg Conference Coordinator

MICN Team prays blessings over Joseph Nyamutera